"La naturaleza es nuestra inspiración".
+506 62163474
To venture into a tropical forest at night is without doubt one of the most exciting experiences for any naturalist but particularly for smaller children, for whom this activity will possibly become one of their best memories of their trip to Costa Rica.
At night, life in the forest changes completely and fills with sounds and animals that have remained hidden during the day. A short walk of some 2.5-3h through the forest of a private property close to Drake allows us to discover and marvel at the huge diversity of frogs (including red-eyed and poison-dart frogs), serpents and insects found in our area.
Although Costa Rica is a small country, you are in one of the regions of the world with the greatest diversity of birds, having around 912 species, more than USA and Canada combined. Moreover, the Osa Peninsula is a perfect place for observing birds, with up to 400 species, some of which are endemic to the area. Among the most sought after and highly rated among birders are the Turquoise Cotinga, the Red-capped Manakin, and the Black-cheeked Ant-Tanager, endemic to Osa.The general route suggested is a walk of some 3h leaving from Drake where we will be able to find not only the most active and brightly colored species that are common in open areas and gardens but also more timid species found in the lower levels of the forest.
In addition, if you are interested in seeing some particular species or a specific type of habitat, customized routes of negotiable price and duration can be designed.
Between the months of July and December, 3 species of sea turtles lay their eggs on the beaches of Drake and Ganado where thousands of little turtles are born. The local association ACOTPRO, in collaboration with Corcovado Foundation, guards the beaches at night to ensure protection of the sea turtles and their eggs.
During the tour, a local guide will explain to you how the association works and you will learn about the biology of these incredible living fossils. Depending on the night, it is possible to see turtles leaving the sea to lay their eggs, to find nests from which the eggs will be collected to be taken to the hatchery where they will be more protected, and even to see recently hatched little turtles ready to be set.
The tour takes approximately 3h and we cover the 4 km of beach (in one direction or the other depending on the conditions of the tides) that separate the localities of Agujitas and Progreso.